Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Not mine, obviously - but these:

Are great. I particularly like 'EAGLES'. For obvious reasons.

Dresden Codak.

Via Boing Boing

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Star Wars Awesome

Artists, comic book creators, toy designers, and celebrity fans are getting out their markers, paint brushes and glue guns to transform blank Mighty Muggs into one-of-a-kind Star Wars art to be auctioned by The Make-A-Wish Foundation.
Seriously, seriously cool...

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

I was in a race

Keeping my weight down
Originally uploaded by Spacmonster
I was in a sailing race, from Jersey to Guernsey. We came 4th. As you can see from the pic, much of this was due to my amazing weight distribution skills. I lay there for hours!

For more details on my sailing adventures you need to head over to the blog of the good ship Blue J'Ade.

That is all.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

10,000 g's

So - I passed 10,000 gamerscore points on my beloved xbox. That's a pretty decent return I think. Of course, looking at my achievements, I've got around 2,000 of those from Oblivion and Fallout 3 combined...

Don't tend to get many achievements in sporting games, as I tend to play one team, for a whole season - case in point Madden 09, my Steelers team need one more win to make the playoffs, but it means I haven't mined all the achievements for 'running 200 yds in one game with McGahee', as I never play as the Ravens. Same for FIFA 08, I've no interest in playing the same game over and over again in order to complete 15 tackles without conceding a corner. I'd rather guide the Saints* to European Glory.

Mostly, I get achievements for finishing games, my favourites, Oblivion, Fallout 3 (just downloaded the Pitt - going to see what happened to Heinz Field), Mass Effect, Call of Duty 4 and Viva Pinata.

Here is me and my xbox...

* Don't laugh!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

One Third of a Triathlon

And only a novice one at that...

8 miles (and only one serious climb). Feeling pretty chipper. Old commute to work in London was 7 and a bit miles, so this shouldn't be too taxing. The hill (Rouge Rue) is a steep one though, and it is right at the end, so will probably be ready to collapse after that one...

Here is the course:

View Larger Map

Glad I'm not swimmin and running as well. Sort of.