Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Well, you may have noticed the pretty girl in the title bar of this here little website - that's because Ray wanted in, and for me to start acknowledging the fact that we are getting married (I may be in denial!).

Anyway, welcome to Ray, who will be able to put up anything she wants very shortly to make up for all the malingering, one-sided sarcasm that I distribute via this thing.

Anyway - here she is:

Deer in the Background

Noody photos to follow - post-haste!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Laura & Dave Got Married!

So - I spent a lovely day in Kent, Meopham to be precise, and ate pig on a stick and particularly delicious pig skin...

Laura and Dave are now Mr & Mrs Hollinshead, which I think suits them:

Laura and Dave

A very happy couple, and whole bunches of congratulations for them...

There were fireworks too!

It was the best time...

Anyway - lots more pictures in this lovely Flickr set: Laura and Dave's Wedding

Oh, and Ross - never give me Rum again...

Monday, September 04, 2006

Band of the Royal Grenadier Guards

Rather surreally playing Mambo No. 5...

Pretty funky though - don't forget to put your speakers on!

Very Busy Weekend...

So anyway - it was Ray's birthday this weekend, and after that had all settled down we had a fun packed Sunday afternoon in London...

Some people made a very nice tower:

And then a big old fancy creation with 5 towery bits...

Crazy Spanish People Tower

The whole affair was pretty crazy...

Friday, September 01, 2006

New Bikini...

Ok - so there are some new hoilday snaps over on Flickr now - like this one:

Ray in her new bikini...

You can see the rest over here: Guernsey, Summer 06

Cheers for now.