Monday, February 25, 2008

Ask for a refund

Ask for a refund
Originally uploaded by spacmonster
Tfl make me laugh sometimes (when they're not making me cry.) Here's what happens when you search their website for a refund...
EDIT: I should probably mention now that having given up on the interweb and phoned them, they've given me my 4 quid back. So nice people really.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Crikey, just been thinking about old games (hey - what else is there to do at 2.30 on a work day) and reminding my younger colleagues of the days when games consoles were made of wood...

Many a happy hour spent on this lovely thing on an old black and white portable telly.

The fireman one was my favourite.

Monday, February 04, 2008


Sage sticking his tongue out
Originally uploaded by spacmonster
Babies, Babies everywhere, and not a one to eat. So hungry. But seriously, they are everywhere at the moment, especially in Southampton where we spent the weekend. This is Sage, Laura and Dave's eldest (he's 5 weeks old...).

Still didn't make me feel as old as trying to play pub golf with a bunch of students. I'm fairly sure Mike is glad that I don't have any pictures of that to show Mother...