Don't tend to get many achievements in sporting games, as I tend to play one team, for a whole season - case in point Madden 09, my Steelers team need one more win to make the playoffs, but it means I haven't mined all the achievements for 'running 200 yds in one game with McGahee', as I never play as the Ravens. Same for FIFA 08, I've no interest in playing the same game over and over again in order to complete 15 tackles without conceding a corner. I'd rather guide the Saints* to European Glory.
Mostly, I get achievements for finishing games, my favourites, Oblivion, Fallout 3 (just downloaded the Pitt - going to see what happened to Heinz Field), Mass Effect, Call of Duty 4 and Viva Pinata.

Here is me and my xbox...
* Don't laugh!