I have a weakness. Tis well known by anyone that has seen my collection (and the two sets of removal men who have recently had to shift the whole lot across the channel.)
I like books.
Specifically, buying and owning books and keeping them on shelves in series order. Wheel of Time, 1-11, Farseer / LiveShip / Tawny Man Trilogies and so on.
Imagine my reaction then, when cycling down a lane this afternoon to stumble across this:
Picked up Children of Hurin for a very reasonable 50p (and also something by David Gemmell, as I only had a pound note* on me).
So I shall likely be in trouble, after all, my books are all currently in boxes as I have nowhere to put them, and I'm just adding to the problem. Oh well.
* Another good thing about Guernsey - pound notes, none of that heavy coinage round here thank you!
Spinnaker Up
Couple of quick pictures from a Frostbite Series race from a couple of
weeks ago - courtesy of BlackJack (who we were overtaking...)
12 years ago