Firstly - riding a bike and going to the gym are nothing compared to being a soldier, even a fake one. Eight hours of running through fields and woods and hiding and crouching and running is hard. My legs still hurt and it was three days ago.
Secondly - I'm pretty good at shooting people. What I'm not good at is not getting shot. Which effectively cancels out how good I am at shooting people.
Thirdly - I quite enjoy taking these things seriously and trying to learn about military tactics (even if, as part of the glorious in defeat red team, our tactics disintegrate steadily as we get picked off one by one by Andy the Sniper) which was good because the guns were crazy effective so you actually had to pay attention to cover fire and position and range and all sorts or you got deaded.
All in all - something I'd do again, especially as the guys promised tanks, claymores, satellites, UAV's, handguns, shotguns and Hummers for the next time we go.
Geeky boy overload... - for all your war simulation type needs.