Wednesday, December 05, 2007


Aah, cardboard.

Bit of tape.

Some scissors.
Bidebidebide, Okay Buck...

Robots are cool for many reasons, mainly because one day they will take over the earth and I want it recorded that I think they're cool - hopefully liberating me from a lifetime of servitude down a battery mine or something.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Band of Brothers?

So I went to play soldiers at the weekend, and it taught me a few things.

black pigeon down

Firstly - riding a bike and going to the gym are nothing compared to being a soldier, even a fake one. Eight hours of running through fields and woods and hiding and crouching and running is hard. My legs still hurt and it was three days ago.

Secondly - I'm pretty good at shooting people. What I'm not good at is not getting shot. Which effectively cancels out how good I am at shooting people.

Thirdly - I quite enjoy taking these things seriously and trying to learn about military tactics (even if, as part of the glorious in defeat red team, our tactics disintegrate steadily as we get picked off one by one by Andy the Sniper) which was good because the guns were crazy effective so you actually had to pay attention to cover fire and position and range and all sorts or you got deaded.

All in all - something I'd do again, especially as the guys promised tanks, claymores, satellites, UAV's, handguns, shotguns and Hummers for the next time we go.

Geeky boy overload... - for all your war simulation type needs.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Me and Bob Dylan...

Friday, September 14, 2007


I am now officially a cyclist - which means that I now hate:
  • Taxi's in the bus lane - Damn You!
  • Pedestrians - Look Up Damn You!
  • Lycra - Don't Ride in Front of Me Damn You!
I now love:
  • Overtaking Buses - Ha. Public Transport.
  • Deep Heat - Ha. My Hamstrings.
  • Sweat -Ha.
An hour a day, four days a week. It's like proper exercise and everything.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Knights of Cydonia


Still very excited

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Going to see Muse tomorrow...

And am pantwettingly excited about it.


Monday, June 04, 2007

Firing the Cannon

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

We Got Married...

So this is going to be quite a long post...

Mr and Mrs Chilton

As you can see - it was in a church and everything - and it was the best day!

After the church we had a big party in a castle - and even fired a cannon...

Firing the Cannon!

And we had a dance...

Look vaguely co-ordinated don't we...

So that pretty much topped everything off - you can see many photos over on my flickr pages:

spacmonster's Our Wedding photoset
spacmonster's Our Wedding photoset

So - that was the wedding, but we weren't finished having fun, not by a long shot.

We went off on honeymoon to Africa, and had more amazing times chasing lions and fishes and sleeping in treehouses and eating crabs...

We started in Garonga...

spacmonster's Garonga photoset
spacmonster's Garonga photoset

Where we saw some frankly mahoosive lions!


At Garonga we went for a walk and hung out with Warthogs, met the marvellous CJ and Mosa, ate fabulous food and soaked up the amazing views from our balcony. Still, we had to leave, but fear not - we were off to the beach!

spacmonster's Medjumbe photoset
spacmonster's Medjumbe photoset

The beach was fab - and Ray spent most of her time being fabulous...

Off for a swim

Or scared of the water...

Run little girl

I spent my time trying to grow a beard...

In the sea

In all - everything was great. Maybe we should do it again sometime!

Monday, April 16, 2007


Originally uploaded by spacmonster.
New camera - new fun things to try, this is 'super macro' meaning you can take pictures of things that are really, really close...

Its a bit like Honey I Shrunk the Kids, only good, obviously, and without Rick Moranis.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Hen Do


While Chris was subject to despicable stag type shenanigans, I was far more lady like with my hens in Bath.

I also chased a hairy biker down the street for a hen do hug!

Hairy Biker

Stag Do

I don't want to know what that is, thank you teej

Stag Do!

I went to Bristol and drove mud buggies and watched really tiresomely boring football match (thank you Steve McClaren), and tried to make balloon animals...

And that is all...

Powered by ScribeFire.

Thursday, March 22, 2007


Snowing - again! I thought it was March, y'know like spring, but apparently no, its winter, and white stuff is falling from the sky.

Ominously Ricky tells me I need swimming trunks for my stag do this weekend. And old trainers.

In the snow.


Saturday, March 03, 2007

Mike's New Suit

Monday, February 19, 2007


Originally uploaded by Dunechaser.
No Hood - but still very cool...

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Three - One!

Won my first game of football on the t'internet...

3-1, against some French bloke.

Still ranked 100 millionth worst Pro Evo player in the world.

Its a start though.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Open Casket

Open Casket
Originally uploaded by spacmonster.
My ipod has passed away, it is deceased, ceased to be etc etc, (insert parrot joke here).

I am a sad bunny today.

Not only that, but I have to listen to the gym's music tonight.

Woe is me.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Originally uploaded by spacmonster.
I like snow, I think it still has the novelty factor on account of growing up somewhere where it hardly ever snowed properly.

No sledging today though, go to go to work...

Monday, January 22, 2007

Chaz? Dave? Andy...

Chaz? Dave? Andy...
Originally uploaded by spacmonster.
Compo's funeral was a very tearful occasion for Andy G...

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Someone is very happy with their cheese and girls calendar!

Someone is very happy with their cheese and girls calendar!
Originally uploaded by Laura Chilton 83.

The best Christmas.


Get Your Own!

Personally, my favourite is Miss Camembert. Roll on April.